Living With Pets

Pets Make Home Feel Cozier

Dan Leicht
1 min readMay 3, 2020

When choosing a pet it’s very important to consider the space in which you have, so as to not hinder the pet from being able to walk around freely and explore.

Frank was quite happy in his studio apartment, and thought the space to be more than enough for both himself and a pet. Surely if he could find joy in walking from the kitchen to the living room to the bed room without having to take more than a few steps, so would his pet. Convenience only makes life easier, after all.

The elephant now takes up both the living room and the bedroom, but Frank has grown quite accustomed to the tiled floor of the kitchen.



Dan Leicht

Writes Romance and Sci-Fi. The Centennial Series (Romance Trilogy) available on Kindle Unlimited. Weekly Substack Newsletter: